Institute for Social and Economic Change



T S Syamala




Professor Population Research Center

Area of Specialisation
  • Population and Health
  • Women’s Health Issues

  • Ageing

Academic Qualification
  • Ph.D In Population Studies, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai(1994)
    M.Phil in Population Sciences, IIPS, Mumbai (1989)

  • Certificate Course in Population Sciences (CPS), IIPS Mumbai (1988)

  • M Sc Anthropology, University of Pune (1987)


  • Visiting Fellow, Population Research Centre, School of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, October 6-18, 2014.

  • Visiting fellowship, Cornell University, Ithaca, United States of America September 20-1, 2004.

  • WHO fellowship to participate a Training Programme on Population and Reproductive Health Management sponsored by WHO, jointly organised by IIHFW, Hyderabad and Mahidol University, Bangkok.

  • Qualified National eligibility Test from UGC (NET), International Institute of Population Sciences, Mumbai, 1992.

Selected Publications (since 2005)

Working Papers

  • Living Arrangement Preferences and Health of the Institutionalised Elderly in Odisha. Along with Akshay kumar Panigrahi Working Paper No. 291. Institute for social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2013

  • Infertility in India: Levels, Trends, Determinants and Consequences. Working Paper No. 284. Institute for social and Economic Change, Bangalore 2012

  • Double Burden of Malnutrition in India: An Investigation. With Angan Sengupta Working Paper No. 285. Institute for social and Economic Change, Bangalore

  • Income, Income Inequality and Morality: An empirical Investigation of the relationship in India, 1971-2003. With K. S. James, working Paper No.249. Institute for social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2010.

Journal Articles

  1. Overweight and obesity prevalence among Indian women by place of residence and socio-economic status: Contrasting patterns from ‘underweight states’ and ‘overweight states’ of India Social Science & Medicine 138, 161-169, 2015.       (withA Sengupta, F Angeli, , PC Dagnelie, CP van Schayck

  2. State-wise Dynamics of the Double Burden of Malnutrition among 15–49 Year-old Women in India: How Much Does the Scenario Change Considering Asian among 15–49 Year-old Women in India: How Much Does the Scenario Change Considering Asian Population-specific BMI Cut-off Values? Ecology of Food and Nutrition 53:6, 618-638. November, 2014 (with Angan Sengupta, Federica Angeli, C. P.Van Schayck & Pieter Dagnelie

  3. Changing Face of Malnutrition in India. Journal of Health Management 14(4)  451-465, December, 2012 (with Sengupta Angan (2012).

  4. Reaching the Unreached: Older women and RCH Programme in India, the challenges Ahead.  Journal of Health management. Vol12.No.3, September, 2010.

  5. Menopause: An emerging Issue in India. In Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. XL No 47. November 19-25 2005.

Articles in Edited Books

  1. India’s Support system for the Elderly: Myths and Realities. Ageing in Asia pacific: balancing the State and the Family (eds). Torress A T   Laura l Samson. Philippines Social Science Council, 2014.

  2. Gender differentials in Health among Children of Karnataka in Population Poverty and Health, Analytical approaches (eds) Singh, K.K. Yadava R. C and Pandey Arvind. Hindustan Publishing corporation New Delhi.

Conference papers

International conferences

  1. Living Arrangement concordance and elderly Wellbeing in India, paper presented at the third International conference of Asia Population Association which will be held from 27th to 30th July, 2015 at Kaula Lampur.

  2. Infertility in India:  Its levels, determinants and its impact on family, paper presented at 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights (APCRSHR), Gadjamada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 20-22, October, 2011.

  3. Infertility in India:  Levels, Determinants and Consequences, paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asian Population Association during 28-30 November, 2010 at New Delhi.

  4. Linkages between Health and Work Force Participation of the elderly in India: An Investigation (with Dhananjay Bansod), paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asian Population Association during 28-30 November, 2010 at New Delhi.

  5. Reaching the Unreached:  Older women and RCH Programme in India, the Challenges ahead, paper presented at 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights at Beijing, China during October 18-20, 2010.

  6. Methodological Issues in Menopause Research, paper presented at the international conference on  Emerging Population Issues in Asia pacific Region: Challenges for the 21st Century from 10-13 December 2006 at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai.

  7. Income, Income inequality and Mortality: An empirical Investigation of the relationship in India (with K.S.James), paper presented at international conference on  Emerging Population Issues in Asia pacific Region: Challenges for the 21st Century from 10-13 December 2006 at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai.

National conferences

  1. Economic Progress and Mental Health: An Analysis among Indian Elderly. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Conference of Indian Associate for the Study of Population , November 7-9 r 2014 , University of Kerala Trivandrum.

  2. Older workers in India: Myths and Realities. Paper presented at the 12th Global Conference on Ageing organized by the International Federation of Ageing. June 11-13, 2014, Hyderabad

  3. Living Arrangement Concordance and Elderly Wellbeing in India,  paper presented at 34th annual conference of the IASP at Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune during December 13-15, 2012.

  4. Participated in the dissemination seminar on  the project on Building Knowledge base on ageing in India and presented the findings on Subjective wellbeing and functionality on February 6, 2012 at ISEC, Bangalore.

  5. Attended the national conference on ageing at Hotel Ashoka, New Delhi from November 19-20, 2012 and presented the findings on Functional Health and  well-being of elderly persons.

  6. Health of the Urban Poor: Do Averages Mask Realities (with Angan sengupta) paper presented at Annual conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Population, November 11-13 2011 Lucknow.

  7. Health and Labour Force Participation of Elderly in India: An Investigation(with Dhananjay Bansod)  paper presented at National Conference 2011 organized by International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai at Rajasthan University, Jaipur during April 4-6, 2011.  

  8. Attended the Poor Primary Health Care in Tribal Areas of Andhra Pradesh: Issues about Skills and Training of Female Health Workers, paper presented at Annual conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP) during 28-20 November,2010 at Utkal University, Bhuwaneshwar.

  9. Widow-headed Households and socio economic vulnerabilities in India : an investigation (with Dhananjay Bansod), paper presented at National conference on Demographic Convergence, Demographic Dividend, Population Ageing and Implications for Health and Socio-Economic Transformations: Special focus on South Indian States” during March 25-27, 2010 at Chennai.

  10. Co-Existence of Under Nutrition and Obesity in India: An Investigation (with Angan Sengupta), paper presented  at Annual conference of IASP during November 3-5, 2009 at SV University, Thirupathi.

  11. Maternal Health Care in Tribal Areas: A Case of Andhra Pradesh, paper presented at Sixth Annual conference on Indian Association for Social Science and Health on Health, Equity and Human rights during 7-8 march 2009 at Pondicherry University.

  12. Infertility in India: Its Levels,  Determinants and Its Impact on Family, paper presented at National Seminar on Policies and Programmes in Health and Family Welfare: Fifty Years of India Experience and challenges during March 26-29, 2008, at Trivandrum, Kerala.

  13. Gender differentials in Health among children of Karnataka, paper presented at Annual conference of IASP during October 26-28, 2007 at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

  14. Older women and RCH Programme in India: the Challenges Ahead, paper presented at the Annual Seminar on Population of Madhya Pradesh from 18-20 January, 2006 at Bhopal.

  15. Menopause: An Emerging Issue in India, paper presented at International Seminar on Demographic changes and Implications from December 7th to 9th, 2004 at Department of Demography, University of Kerala.

Recent Research Projects Completed
  • Project on Sex Differentials in Nutritional Status and Morbidity among Children in Karnataka

  • Project on "Functioning of Ultrasound Sonography Centres in Karnataka" (with M Sivakami). 2005. This project is sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

  • Project on "Menopause: An Emerging Issue in India" (with M Sivakami), 2004. This report is based on the NFHS-II data that was prepared for the institute (ISEC) during 2004.

  • Pilot Project on "Maternal Mortality in Karnataka" (with M. Sivakami), 2003. This project is jointly done by ICMR and PRC, Bangalore and funded by MOHFW during 2003

Population Research Centre
Institute for Social and Economic Change
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